Digital Media Swashbuckling by Stina Chyn



Greetings. I’m Stina Chyn. Welcome to my little cubbyhole of the internet, Uses of Enchantment, named after Austrian psychologist Bruno Bettelheim’s book on fairy tales. I have a BA and MA in Film Studies from Emory University (03C and 07G), have written for 99xpress and, and spent over a decade supporting digital content production and image management, and SVOD operations for Turner Classic Movies, FilmStruck, and Cartoon Network’s Boomerang.

As a lifelong lover of literary arts, moving and still pictures, I am inquisitive, imaginative, a pattern-seeker, and a poet. My professional experiences have shaped me into a diligent digital image hall monitor and web content wrangler. I take pleasure in creating order out of chaos, whether it’s formatting large volume image assets, proofreading copy for typos, checking graphic design assets for spelling mistakes, or performing quality control exercises to make sure links work and footers are updated on web pages. All of these tasks constitute what I call “digital media swashbuckling,” which is ultimately a way for me to help digital media content managers and creative directors execute digital endeavors.


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stina (at)

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